A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era

H2020MSCA20SECONDOH2020Systems Security Laboratory (SSL)UBIUBITECHUPRCVirtual Event

A Virtual Meeting Among Researchers About SECONDO Project

SECONDO’s active secondees (Markos Charalampous and Anastasios Voudouris) together with previous secondees (Aristeidis Farao, Nikolaos Chondrogiannis) and Sofianna Menesidou, who is SECONDO researcher from UBITECH, discussed on 9/2/2022 about the project progress. In particular, they had a fruitful discussion about the technical difficulties that they meet during the implementation period of the the modules that are under development. In more details the first point of discussion was the Cyber Insurance Policy Ontology; they mentioned that the challenges and the issues they have to overcome to finalize the module. On the other hand, they analyzed the progress of the Game Theoretic module. The researchers analyze the available attacking graphs that the output will be used by game theory to predict optimal security controls and budget allocation.