A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


WP1 – Project Management and Coordination: (M1 – M28) Provide the overall project coordination as well as the administrative and technical management for the SECONDO project.

WP2 – Requirements, Business Cases and Architecture: (M1 – M12) Firstly, define the SECONDO business cases according to the interests and the capacity of the industrial beneficiaries.Based on that, industrial partners will define the platform requirements as the potential customers and uses of the businesses involved. Secondly, detail the technical requirements of the SECONDO platform together with the overall system architecture and interfaces between modules.

WP3 – Quantitative Risk Analysis and Data Analytics: (M7 – M28)
(a) devise methods for pricing assets facilitating risk assessment; (b) design and implement all SECONDO modules related to risk modelling and develop QRAM; (c) design and implement the Big Data Collection and Processing Module to support risk assessment.

WP4 – Cyber Security Investments and Blockchain: (M14 – M36)
(a) provide the Econometric Module; (b) design and implement the CRMM in conjunction with a blockchain implementation to register the monitored risk level and create smart contracts; and (c) the CSIM that is empowered by the Game Theoretic and EM modules.

WP5 – Cyber Insurance and Smart Contracts (M14 – M36)
(a) undertake analysis of cyber insurance market and (b) develop the SECONDO cyber insurance ontology; (c) develop the Cyber Insurance Coverage and Premiums Module; and (d) develop cyber insurance smart contract.

WP6 – Platform Integration and Assessment (M34 – M48)
(a) define the technical integrated endpoints and proactive planning of the integration of the SECONDO modulesdeveloped in WP2-WP5, (b) integration, technical testing, assessment of the platform in real-life use cases and refinemen tof the SECONDO prototype.

WP7 – Dissemination, Standardisation and Exploitation (M1 – M48)
The aim of WP7 is to coordinate the activities related to the dissemination of the results, to define strategies to ensure visibility into standardisation groups and to enable the exploitation of the new solutions.

WP8 – Ethics requirements (M1 – M48)
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.