A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


SECONDO paper in 2nd IWAPS workshop of ARES

The paper entitled Analyzing Coverages of Cyber Insurance Policies Using Ontology presented on 25/08/2022 in the 2nd IWAPS workshop of the 17th ARES conference. The paper has been written by Markos Charalambous (former SECONDO secondee) and Nikos Salamanos (former SECONDO secondee) from Cyprus University of Technology, by Aristeidis Farao (former SECONDO secondee) and Evangelos Froudakis from the University of Piraeus, as well ass, George Kalantzantonakis (former SECONDO secondee), Panagiotis Kanakakis and Evangelos Kotsifakos from LST Espana. The paper presented by the co-author of the paper Aristeidis Farao.

In this paper, the authors proposed a methodology and a prototype system that will help customers (prominent insureds) to compare contracts based on a pre-defined ontology that is describing cyber-insurance terms. After a first preliminary analysis and validation, our approach accuracy is averaging at almost 50%, giving a promising initial evaluation. Fine tuning, larger data set assessment and ontology refinement will be our next steps to improve the accuracy of our tool.

You can find the paper in ACM library following the link. Also, you can find the paper in ZENODO repository following the link.

Finally, this paper presents the results of the SECONDO deliverable D5.2 being entitled Cyber Insurance Policy Ontology.