A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


A new Secondment started for Nikolaos Salamanos

A new secondment started for Nikolaos Salamanos on 4 of August 2021, from CUT University at LSTech in Spain. He will participate in the WP6 (Platform Integration and Assessment), WP5 (Cyber Insurance and Smart Contracts), WP4 (Cyber Security Investments and Blockchain).

In particular, he will be engaged in the following deliverables D5.2 (Cyber Insurance Policy Ontology), D5.3 (Decision Support for Cyber Insurance), D4.2 (Continuous Risk Monitoring and Blockchain), D4.3 (Cyber Security Investments), D6.1 (Platform Integration).

After he arrived in Spain, he visited his colleagues at LSTech. He had a fruitful discussion with them about the project’s progress and their future collaboration. Moreover, he had the chance to meet his colleague, Markos Charalampous, from CUT, who is a secondee for the INCOGNITO project.