A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


Researchers Night 2022 @ NTUA

On September 30th, SECONDO took part in the in Greek Researchers Night that was held by the National Technical University (NTUA) in one of the most recognizable structures on the NTUA campus! At the occasion were present both young students and recent graduates who were eager, as well as experts with years of experience. It was also obvious from the fact that the event went on well past its scheduled end time!

Members of the UPRC team have given presentations of SECONDO on several occasions to a wide variety of interested students, graduates, and professionals working in the technology sector. There was a fruitful discussion with the participants, the SECONDO representatives had the chance to present the current status of the project and its technological innovations. The SECONDO consortium would like to extend its gratitude to the group that was responsible for Greek Researchers Night and for arranging an event that was so engaging, as well as to the National Technical University of Athens for providing a venue that was so pleasant for the occasion.