A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era

progress updatesSECONDOH2020

SECONDO virtual meeting regarding the cyber insurance ontology

SECONDO researchers (Aristeidis Farao, Nikolaos Salamanos, Sofia Anna Menesidou, Evangelos Kotsifakos, Panagiotis Kanakakis, etc.) organized a telco on 04/05/2022 to discuss the progress of the technical tasks regarding the Deliverable D5.2 entitles Cyber Insurance Policy Ontology.

In particular, the researchers have already developed the ontology and the tool successfully works as a whole. It is able to isolate and extract coverages and exclusions form various cyber insurance contracts with different structures.

In addition, a demo was presented it will be uploaded on SECONDO YouTube channel after the deliverable’s submission.