A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


SECONDO at the Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (CISaR) Workshop, Norway

Project Coordinator Prof. Christos Xenakis was invited to participate in the Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (CISaR) workshop which took place in Gjøvik, Norway, on January 30-31, 2020. The workshop was organized by the Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research Group of NTNU and brought together research teams across Europe. SECONDO was presented to the participants as a project that aims at implementing a cybersecurity investment platform. The SECONDO platform will consist of the following modules: a) Quantitative Risk Analysis Metamodel (QRAM); b) Cyber Security Investment Module (CSIM); and c) Cyber Insurance Coverage and Premiums Module (CICPM) modules. This platform is designed to be adapted into Critical Infrastructures. Critical infrastructure is an asset or system which is essential for the maintenance of vital societal functions. During this presentation, the audience informed about the SECONDO goals, its impact, its current progress and its future goals. There was a fruitful discussion between Prof. Christos Xenakis and the audience who was curious and interested about the SealedGRID.