A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


Conference CallCROMARCybersecurityCyprus University of TechnologyEuropeH2020MSCA20SECONDOH2020SURREYUBITECHUPRCWP3WP4

A Telco between SECONDO Researchers about D3.2 & D4.1

Secondees of SECONDO, had a telco on (17/12/2020) to discuss the progress of the upcoming deliverables D3.2: Big Data Collection

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ConferenceCROMARCyprus University of TechnologyEuropeFogusH2020LSTECHMSCA20PresentationReviewSECONDOH2020SURREYUBIUBITECHUPRC

SECONDO’s Mid – Term Review Meeting

The SECONDO mid-term review meeting was held on 20 November of 2020 virtually. The technical and managerial tasks presented by

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ConferenceConference CallCROMARCyberwatchingCyprus University of TechnologyDisseminationFogusH2020LSTECHMSCA20PaperPresentationPublicationsSECONDOSECONDOH2020SURREYUBITECHUniversity of GreenwichUPRC

The First Joint SECONDO Scientific Publication

Researchers from the University of Piraeus (UPRC), University of Surrey (SURREY), University of Greenwich (UOG), Cyprus University of Technology (CUT),

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