A Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era


SECONDO in the 2023 Industry.TEC event organized by T-PRESS

It has been an amazing 3-days experience at the Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon Panepistimion Athinon booth, hosted by Industry.TEC (https://lnkd.in/d2sYBhRh) and organized by T-PRESS. General public, science enthusiasts, students, families along with their youngsters, friends with reduced mobility capabilities, business executives, and many more, have visited our booth and interacted with at least 4 of my team members, which all had the opportunity to present ongoing work and demo platforms developed under EU-funded actions run by my group (ELIXIRION, SOVEREIGN, OPTIMIST, SECONDO, INCOGNITO, SEMANTIC).

Special thanks to Zeta Founta-Mourta, Niki Karathanou, T-PRESS for their excellent hosting.

Congratulations to the representatives of my research group Klearchos Palias, Giorgos Kalpaktsoglou, Aias Sotiropoulos, Panagiota Xepapadakou, Katerina Stamataki.

Special thanks to Prof. Stathes Hadjiefthymiades and Dr. Nikos Passas for joining us.

Special thanks to the students (at least 100 of them) of my department at NKUA, i.e., Digital Industry Technologies Department, which have actively participated in our events.

Some of the platforms presented by our group at Industry.TEC:
– Open-source ETSI MEC platform prototype developed under the OPTIMIST project
– Optimal Video Bitrate Selection and Edge Network Caching in MEC-empowered Slice-Enabled Networks MEC App
– SOVEREIGN Blockchain platform for self-sovereign anonymous and contract-less mobile data access
– AR-assisted indoor positioning system
– UOA/FOGUS Digital Twin prototype with Yaskawa Cobots
– 6D object tracking and human pose estimation models

Reference to the work of partner Dr. Dimitris Tsolkas, co-leading the work of the new ETSI WG of OpenCAPIF (https://lnkd.in/dG-CwBiD).

Aias Sotirooulos provided a public talk and presented his project focus and research progress under the SECONDO project (https://lnkd.in/dUaDcwFx) in the 2023 Industry.TEC (https://lnkd.in/dCRyPvMd) event organized by T-PRESS

We have been together with my supervisor Prof. Dionysis Xenakis in the NKUA event booth (C15) along with my colleagues: Giorgos Kalpaktsoglou, Klearchos Palias, Panagiota Xepapadakou.